7 Tips for Working From Home

With more people working from home right now due to Covid-19, I thought I’d share my tips for staying productive while working from home for anyone new to the WFH life or those who already do it but could use a reminder (like myself).

As someone who works from home most of the time, I will say it does have its perks. I love the flexible schedule and freedom it allows. Plus I rack up some serious downtime not having to commute. Working from home also comes with its disadvantages though. There are days I have difficulty sticking to a routine or finding the willpower to leave my oh so cozy bed. Working from home is definitely not for everyone, especially not for those who thrive from structure and social interactions. So if you’re finding the shift to working remotely right now difficult, here are some tips to keep you motivated!

7 Tips for Working From Home


Not everyone has room for a dedicated office space in their home (I sure don’t), but devoting a specific space to work from is still important to separate leisure from work. Choosing a table or desk for this is best so you can comfortably do your job and not compromise posture. And just like how you would in the office, keep this space organized and prepped with everything you need to do your job.


As tempting as it may be, and believe me you’re going to want to do it, don’t stay in your pajamas all day. Approaching the day as if you were going into work will help put you in a more professional state of mind. So wake up, go through a morning routine, brush your teeth, wash your face, and get dressed! 

Making sure to change out of the clothes you slept in will change your mood and encourage productivity as we subconsciously associate the clothes we sleep in with rest and relaxation. Even if you’re just changing into loungewear, the act of getting dressed in the morning will encourage you to switch your mind from sleep mode to work mode. Though the more put together you dress is probably better, I know sometimes taking advantage of getting to feel cozy while you work can be nice too. Either way, whatever you’re choosing to put on, get up and GET DRESSED. 


At the office you have a schedule, so at home should be no different. I like to make a list of the tasks I need to get done in the morning, which acts as a reminder throughout the day and keeps me on track. Plus crossing tasks off this list as I accomplish them feels rewarding!

As you make a plan for your day, also be clear in defining what hours you’ll be working and stick to it. Working from home can suck you into working too much, so setting boundaries for yourself is crucial.


Planning out your work day also includes scheduling in breaks. Breaks are important to give your mind a break and actually fuels productivity as our brains need a rest from focusing on things for too long. Use these breaks to shut off and move away from your work space. Maybe even go for a walk. And don’t forget to schedule in time for lunch!


From dishes sitting in the sink to your phone, your home is probably plagued with a lot of distractions. The best way to combat these distractions? Get rid of them before they get the chance to distract you.

Make sure your space is clean, keep snacks and water nearby so you don’t have to wander into other rooms while you work, or just plain hide things out of your sight. If you find your phone to be too much of a distraction as well, and you don’t require it for the work you’re doing, turn it off or put it on airplane mode during your designated working hours. Also make clear to your family and friends that you are working so they don’t bother you. When you work from home, it’s easy for people to forget that you’re on the clock, so make sure to make this clear to those around you.


Now not everyone will agree with me on this one, but if you’re anything like me, you need some noise in the background to concentrate. Sitting in complete silence can make it hard to focus, because let’s be honest, silence is eerie. Therefore. keeping the tv on in the background or having music softly play can be useful for you as it acts as white noise (and music prompts impromptu dance breaks, which can help you get moving and release some stress throughout the day). I can’t tell you how many Netflix series I’ve gone through, but haven’t actually watched, while I’m working. The key to this is to choose something you won’t be interested in so it’s not competing for your attention. Spotify also has some great playlists for concentration.


Seriously, do it. At your scheduled quitting time, log off, shut down your computer, and just relax. Don’t continue answering emails. Step away from your workspace. You’ve probably heard the phrase, ‘don’t bring work home with you’. Well, when you work from home, this is kind of hard. So what you can do to switch your mind off of work so you don’t stay wired is be strict about switching everything off at quitting time.

Log off at quitting time and enjoy the fact that you’re already home from work. 

Chiara Lucchetta