10 Mental Detox Tips To Declutter Your Mind and Bring More Positivity Into Your Life

Detox culture is real. From cleansing teas to juices, it seems like everyone is trying to rid their bodies of toxins these days. But what can be said of mental and emotional toxins?

If you’re anything like me, it may feel like everything is fighting for your attention lately. 

Social media

The news 


The dying planet

This list goes on and on. 

We live in a society where we’re expected to be turned on and tuned in at all times.

We are being pulled in so many different directions and are being spread so thin, it’s a surprise most of us haven’t just been torn apart. Though we may not always be able to see the damage our busy culture has on us, it sure is there. Being so busy you can’t even catch your breath is nothing to brag about.

Our energy is like a watering pot. We divide it amongst the things that need our care and attention - most often prioritizing work and chores and neglecting rest and selfcare. But just like a garden, what we water, nourishes and grows. And what we don’t...well, doesn’t. This means that some important things, like our health and wellbeing, begin to dry up. But they aren’t the only things that dry up. Our energy dries up too.

We only have so much energy to go around. 

It’s no wonder many of us regularly feel tired, down, and burned out. We spend all our energy on busy work. By the time it comes to turn our attention towards downtime and relaxation, our energy has already been dried up. Our energy supply is constantly running on empty and our mind and soul are being left to wilt.

When you find yourself feeling emotionally and mentally spent, it’s probably time for a mental detox.

When you’re on information overload and you have nothing left to give, you can benefit from a mental and emotional cleanse. You need to remind yourself what is important to you and what deserves your mind space, and get rid of - or at least pause - everything that doesn’t.

By cleansing your mind and making space for what matters to you, you’ll start to flush out all those mental and emotional toxins. It’s spring cleaning for the mind! Tidy up your mind and soul and you’ll start to feel more focused and energized again.

So if you’re experiencing burnout or are just overwhelmed by everything going on in your life and around the world, get to decluttering your mind and soul and refill your energy supply again with these 10 mental detox tips:

Take a break from technology

This means put the phone, tablet, computer, and TV away. Yes it’s scary to think of being disconnected and shut off. Questions and concerns like ‘What if I miss an important email or call?’ take over your brain. But the reality is, whatever it is can wait. 

These days, we take too much advantage of the fact that anyone can be readily available with the press of a button. However, this has caused us to feel pressure to always be on our A game. We have gotten into the habit of constantly checking our phones to make sure we’re not missing anything important. When in reality, whoever is on the other side probably isn’t expecting an immediate reply (and if they are, they need a wake up call). We all have our own lives to live, but our lives are fighting for attention with technology.

So start putting your phone down more frequently. You can start with small digital breaks, such as not reaching for your phone first thing in the morning, until finally working your way up to whole days off the grid. I for one love setting aside entire tech-free weekends. And let me tell you a secret...Once you start taking breaks, you’ll realize there was never anything that dire calling for your constant attention anyways.

Declutter your social media

Have you ever stopped to look at who and what you follow on social media? You scroll past hundreds of images every day, but many of us aren’t even fully aware of what we’re taking in. 

It’s no doubt social media is oversaturated. We scroll past so much different content on our timeline and whether we’re conscious of it or not, it’s affecting us in some way. 

Cleaning up your social media is a task you should get in the habit of doing frequently. It’s easy to get lost in the glamorous and seemingly perfect lives that people live on Instagram, but a lot of this is not realistic and serves no purpose other than making you feel bad about your own life.

Purge your feed of the content you don’t agree with, the content that puts you down or makes you feel bad about yourself, and replace it with more positive messages that’ll actually bring some inspiration and knowledge into your life. 

Spend time outside

The Japanese call it shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing. The Scandanavians call it Friluftsliv. Whatever you want to call it, it works.

Spending time outside and reconnecting with nature is one of the best ways to calm your mind. Whether it’s a walk in a forest or taking a seat by the water (my personal favourite), there is something about connecting with the larger, outside world that takes us out of our minds.

Journal or Vent

Writing down my feelings is a hobby that I used to do a lot and am trying to get back into. Writing down your problems and concerns can allow you to recognize negative thought patterns. It also just allows you to release any fears or stresses you’ve been keeping pent up in a healthy way.

If writing is not your thing, finding someone that you can vent to works just the same. Instead of holding everything in and letting all that stress get trapped in your body, mind, and soul, find a way that feels comfortable and safe for you to release your thoughts.

Once negative thought patterns or negative self talk is identified, it’s also important to start replacing these with more positive thinking habits so you don’t always get stuck falling down a deep, dark hole of negativity.

Reflect on where you are in life and realign your goals

If you’re not happy with your current situation or if you’re not where you want to be in life, ask yourself why, then see what you can do to change that. I know firsthand it can be easy to get wrapped up in your day-to-day life and lose track of the bigger picture. That is why it’s important to constantly reflect on what you’re doing and realign your actions and choices with your goals. 

When we aren’t conscious of our actions, we make it difficult for ourselves to stay on track. So be clear with what you want and practice self-awareness to work towards it.

Let go of what you don’t need

It’s hard letting go. Of belongings, people, and certain expectations. But when something or someone isn’t feeding you in a positive way anymore, you need to let it go.

As humans, we like to cling on to what’s familiar and what feels safe. We’re afraid of change, which is crazy because we’re constantly changing! And so, what we once needed or what once worked for us before, may no longer be working now. Moreover, not only may it not be working, it may actually be dragging you down! 

Energy spent on things that don’t bring joy into your life anymore or are actually making you feel worse, is energy wasted. Just as you would clear the clothes that you don’t wear anymore out of your closet, clear your life of whatever energy is no longer productive.

Don’t be a hoarder.

Spend time with people who make you feel good

And once you’ve let go of what you don’t need and what doesn’t make you happy, take some time to be around people who make you feel good. Family, friends, loved ones. Anyone who makes you smile.

Once you’ve made sure your social circle is made up of only people who support you and are there for you, socializing will no longer feel like a burden that leaves you exhausted. Being around people who make you feel good will inspire and motivate you to be the best version of yourself.

Say no

When you don’t want to, say no.

When you’re not feeling well, say no.

When you’re tired and overworked, say no.

Don’t be afraid to say no. Doing so will open up more of your time and energy for saying HELL YES to what really matters. 

Be more selfish

This goes hand in hand with saying no. 

Being selfish is often looked at as a bad thing. We are taught to be empathetic and helpful towards others, which are important attributes for sure! But for many of us, the fear of being selfish has made us afraid to care about ourselves.  So I’m here to reassure you that there are times when it’s okay to be selfish.

When you need rest or alone time, it’s okay to want and take that time. When you’re in a situation where you’re always giving more than is being received, it’s also okay to prioritize your needs. Being selfish from time to time is essential for avoiding mental and emotional depletion. So put yourself first every once in a while and don’t feel guilty about it!


Come on, as a dancer, fitness instructor, and wellness fanatic, did you really think I wouldn’t tell you to get moving and meditate??

For all the obvious reasons - induces relaxation and promotes a sense of calm - movement and meditation are the perfect ways to cleanse your mind, body, and soul. They both are cathartic activities that encourage the release of emotional tensions.

Unprocessed, emotional trauma is also stored in the body. That means all your anxieties and worries are getting trapped in your body and manifesting as tight hips or headaches. That is why it’s so important to practice mindfulness and movement. From Yoga to breathing exercises, these methods are effective in detoxing your body and mind.

And if the traditional working out and sit-down meditations aren’t for you, just wiggle and flail like no one is watching. I promise you, you’ll instantly feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. 

Whenever you’re caught feeling like you’re sinking instead of swimming, take the time to detox and declutter your mind. Don’t wait for Spring to start doing your cleaning. Make mental and emotional cleanses a part of your regular routine so you can live a more positive, energized, and revitalizing life.